Making the Solenoid Engine Single PCB

20160914_165654Bare PCB for the Solenoid engine
20160914_170049Add in resistors as shown (R5’s value has now changed to 330Ohm (Orange Orange Brown)
20160914_170145Solder in the IC holder ensuring the divot in the holder points towards the * for pin 1
20160914_170317Solder in the Diode, ensuring that it is in the correct way around
20160914_170415Solder in the two 90 degree edge connectors.
20160914_170653Solder in the three 100n Capacitors and the 5v regulator
20160914_170747Solder in the electrolytic capacitor
20160914_170941Flip the board over and solder in the two LEDs ensure that the cut out (cathode) points towards the IC holder
20160914_172329Solder in the two buttons (hopefully better than they are soldered in this photo!)
20160914_172522Flip the board back and solder in the transistor ensuring the heat sink is along the edge of the PCB
20160914_172657 Solder in the optical proximity detector. leaving the base of the detector 15mm away from the board.
20160914_180637The Completed PCB
Final step, solder your solenoid to the SOL output pins, and a supply to the 6-12v pins, ensuring it is connected the correct way around.