Code for the Solenoid Engine for a Raspberry PI with log output and faster/slower/quit keys save as soleng1.c
/* ####################################################### # Sol engine V1 # # compile with gcc soleng1.c -o soleng1 -lwiringPi # # Ext Kits 4/11/16 # ####################################################### */ #include <stdio.h> #include <wiringPi.h> #include "conio.h" #include <stdlib.h> //define pins #define NOTEYE 7 #define SOL 0 #define MAXSPEED 100 #define MINSPEED 2000 #define LOGFILE "sollog.txt" #define DEBUG 0 #define STATSSEC 5 int StatTimer; int Speed=400; int Revs=0; int Pulses=0; int StatCnt=0; void DoStats(void); void DoButtons(void); void AppendtoFile( char *text); int main (void) { int ison; int last_ison; int ready=1; int pulsetime; wiringPiSetup () ; remove(LOGFILE); pinMode (NOTEYE, INPUT) ; pinMode (SOL, OUTPUT) ; set_conio_terminal_mode(); StatTimer=millis(); for (;;) { //get eye status //ison=!digitalRead(NOTEYE); //V1 ison=digitalRead(NOTEYE); //V2 //start of stroke check speed if(ison==1 && last_ison==0){ //had a pulse if (millis()-pulsetime>Speed){ ready=1; } Revs++; } //if pulse needed turn on solenoid if(ready){ digitalWrite (SOL, ison) ; pulsetime=millis(); if (ison==0){ready=0;Pulses++;} }else{ digitalWrite (SOL, 0) ; } //debug if(DEBUG){ printf("ison=%i ready=%i Speed=%i pt=%i mills=%i\n\r",ison,ready,Speed,millis()-pulsetime,millis()); } //set last condition last_ison=ison; //speed buttons DoButtons(); //do Stats DoStats(); } return 0 ; } void DoButtons(){ char c; //speed buttons if(kbhit()){ c=getch(); if(c=='q'){exit(0);} if(c=='8'){if(Speed>MAXSPEED){Speed--;printf("Speed Up %i\n\r",Speed);}} if(c=='2'){if(Speed<MINSPEED){Speed++;printf("Speed Down %i\n\r",Speed);}} } } void DoStats(void){ if (millis()-StatTimer>STATSSEC*1000){ StatTimer=millis(); if(DEBUG){ printf("Do Stats \n\r");} char text[100]; int rpm=0; rpm=Revs*60/STATSSEC; StatCnt++; sprintf(text,"CNT:%i REVS:%i PULSES:%i RPM:%i \n\r",StatCnt,Revs,Pulses,rpm); AppendtoFile(text); Pulses=0; Revs=0; } } void AppendtoFile( char *text){ FILE *log; char filename[100] = LOGFILE; log = fopen (filename, "a"); fprintf(log,"%s",text); fclose(log); }
You will also need this header file conio.h
#include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <termios.h> struct termios orig_termios; void reset_terminal_mode() { tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &orig_termios); } void set_conio_terminal_mode() { struct termios new_termios; /* take two copies - one for now, one for later */ tcgetattr(0, &orig_termios); memcpy(&new_termios, &orig_termios, sizeof(new_termios)); /* register cleanup handler, and set the new terminal mode */ atexit(reset_terminal_mode); cfmakeraw(&new_termios); tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_termios); } int kbhit() { struct timeval tv = { 0L, 0L }; fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(0, &fds); return select(1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); } int getch() { int r; unsigned char c; if ((r = read(0, &c, sizeof(c))) < 0) { return r; } else { return c; } }